Part 3: Memory


After you complete this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Understand how Xilinx Block Memory works.

Source Code

This repository contains all of the code required in order to follow this tutorial.

1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we are going to create a system that consists of Zynq PS and PL design. The PL design is a simple processing element (PE) module that does multiply and add. The design is similar to the previous tutorial, but instead of AXI DMA, we use BRAM controllers and block memory.

Block memory generator is a dedicated memory block on the FPGA. This means that BRAM does not use flip-flop or LUT resources. This core has two fully independent ports that access a shared memory space. Both A and B ports have a write and a read interface.

Block memory has a limited size. Block memory can be added to the design using block design (GUI) or with Verilog/VHDL (Xilinx Parameterized Macros, XPM) code.

Block memory has two operating modes.

  • BRAM controller: address is incremented every 4. Used together with AXI BRAM controller IP. Usually used for interfacing with PS. Slow for large data transfers compared to AXI DMA.

  • Stand Alone: address is incremented every 1. No AXI BRAM controller IP is usually used. This memory is usually used for internal design (not directly connected to PS).

The Block Memory Generator core uses embedded block RAM to generate five types of memories.

  • Single-port RAM

  • Simple Dual-port RAM

  • True Dual-port RAM

  • Single-port ROM

  • Dual-port ROM

The following figure shows the BRAM write timing diagram for the BRAM controller mode. Every address is incremented every 4 because the address is 32-bit. Every piece of data is byte-addressable, as indicated by the we signal.

The following figure shows the BRAM read timing diagram for the BRAM controller mode. The address for output latency is one clock cycle.

The reset type for BRAM is active-high.

On the PS CPU, the Jupyter Notebook software is running, so we can access the memory from it.

2. Memory Project

2.1. Create Hardware Design

Follow these steps to do the custom IP project:

  • Create a new Vivado project for your board.

  • Add ZYNQ7 PS IP, and then click Run Connection Automation.

  • Then add the following IPs: one AXI GPIO, two AXI BRAM Controller, two Block Memory Generator.

  • Configure the AXI GPIO to have dual channels, one for 1-bit output and the other for 1-bit input.

  • Configure the AXI BRAM Controller to have only one interface.

  • Confogure the Block Memory Generator to True Dual Port RAM.

  • Check the S_AXI port of the GPIO and BRAM controllers to PS. Then, click OK.

  • The following figure shows the connection to the GPIO and BRAM.

  • Add the RTL design for the pe_top.v, pe.v, and register.v.

  • Add the pe_top to the block design. Then, connect it to GPIO and BRAM as shown in the following figure.

  • In the Sources section, right-click on the design_1 design block, then select the Create HDL Wrapper menu.

  • After that, right-click on the design_1_wrapper, then select the Set as Top menu.

  • On the left side (the Flow Navigator), select the Generate Block Design menu. In the Synthesis Options section, select the Global option.

  • Run the synthesis, implementation, and generate bitstream.

  • Export the .tcl, .bit, and .hwh file to the FPGA board.

2.2. Create Software Design

At this point, the required files to program the FPGA are already on the board. The next step is to create Jupyter Notebook files.

  • Open a web browser and open Jupyter Notebook on the board. Create a new file from menu New, Python 3 (pykernel).

  • Write the following code to test the design.

  • In this program, we initialize the GPIO and BRAMs, then we write data to BRAM input, start the PE core, and read the result from BRAM output.

Last updated